
creative // Designer // Street Artist // professor

There are several facets that come to define me and my work. 

I take a unique but strategic approach to answering design questions. This helps define my philosophy that Design is a noun and not just a verb. This philosophy boiled out of an empathetic and ethical approach to generating any creative outcome. This leads to a developing method of decentralizing design through the process of ownership by all participants in the system. This philosophy has been an integral part of my teaching. We need a mobilization of morally and ethically minded designers and this initiates their thinking toward making the right design decisions that have a postive impact on our future.

Also, I do the unexpected and expect the unexpected. We need to understand and appreciate that creativity has been curated from the hearts and minds of all those you have met along the way. Creativity is environmentally impacted and what we do has an environmental impact. Our designs have an incredible amount of power and should be handled appropriately. That said it’s our duty to build into every design the human element and not just consider the bottom line. This is professed in my classroom, in my own non-profit and for the social design non-profit that I have worked with for several years. 

And lastly, the 'mindful' street art I create  blends traditional origami with the the tactile quality of the streets. The installations create a fleeting experience in extraordinary places. They live only as long as the surrounding elements allow.